Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Plan of ideas for my personal investigation

I was originally going to do this in my notebook and upload a picture of my brainstorm, but instead I have made bullet points as it looks neater. Here are the bullet points:
  • I enjoy playing my guitars.
  • I have a selection of different guitars that I can work from - could possibly make different picture styles for the different styles of guitar.
  • I perform in a band sometimes.
  • Could do pictures of guitarists performing in a band - lots of movement - links to my artist Cornelia Parker.
  • Cornelia Parker - energetic pieces, exploding, lots of movement in her art.
  • Parker's work may work well with performing guitarists because of the movement of the piece/guitarist and the energy from the music may be illustrated well with explosive style.
  • Use of ink for dark, clean, straight lines.
  • May be able to use oil or acrylic paints for bold, energetic colours.
  • Use of water colours for more gentle tones
  • Blowing the paint at certain points on the piece to create motion in the picture

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