Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Cornelia Parker - Artist analysis

Cornelia Parker is a sculptor and installation artist from Cheshire, UK. She attended the Gloucestershire College of Art & Design and received an MFA  and doctorates from various universities including University of Wolverhampton, University of Birmingham and the University of Gloucestershire. She now resides and works in London.

This is a photograph of one of Cornelia Parker's pieces. To create this piece, she had a garden shed blown up with explosives, then she picked up the pieces and arranged them hung by thin wire in a room in such a way that you can make out that it was once a shed, almost put back together. The then placed a light in the direct centre of the piece to shine through the destroyed hanging splinters and planks to create a sense of energy and movement, almost as if it is a picture taken of the shed exploding. This piece can be visited at the Tate gallery, London.
This is another piece of work by Parker. It is in a very similar style as the previous example because it has been produced in a similar way, she has set fire to a pile of timber and hung up the results in an organised manner; smaller pieces of debris on the outside of the piece and the larger pieces of these charred planks in the centre, almost like an explosion. Despite not being made in the exact same way as the previous piece, this still has a sense of energy about it. The smaller pieces appear as if they are flying out in a destructive manner.

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