Thursday, 30 January 2014

mock evaluation

During this project, I found that producing the more expressive pieces of work were much more effective at showing the motion and energy that performing guitarists give off and express than the more detailed work that I was producing in previous projects.

I mainly used graphite and ink and brush as I found these were the most effective at showing motion. The rushed sketching with the graphite and eccentric brush strokes with the ink linked to my the and artist, Yuriy Shevchuk's work, which is extremely expressive and uses the same rushed techniques.

I also used other methods of production, these consisted of using biro pen on coffee stained newspaper and creating sketches of repeated objects to give the piece depth, but this also gave the piece a psychedelic feel, this links to more of Shevchuk's work, one in particular of the guitarist Jimi Hendrix, who is well known for his psychedelic music. These methods I found less expressive than the graphite and ink because of how they did not stand out from the background as much, despite my attempts at doing so by adding tone radiating and fading from the guitarists' outlines.

For my final piece, I created the same kind of expressive work that I had been producing previously, using the materials that I found most effective at expressing my theme of movement and energy; graphite and ink and brush.

Using the same rushed style of production, I created multiple pieces that gave off kinetic energy, as if the pieces themselves were moving.

To make the ink pieces stand out more, I added very bold shading lines using a sponge in watered down ink, this gave the piece a high contrast outcome which is very bold.

I created 7 large pieces in all to emphasise how many times a guitarist plays, gig after gig, each time giving off the same amount of energy as they perform, these pieces were particularly personal to me as I could express my love for music and performing on stage with my guitar.

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